Saturday, February 8, 2014

My Rug Sweater! Hobo Moda

All of my friends, absolutely hate this sweater... they call it a rug, and tell me I need to throw it away.  Phuck them!  I love my sweater! I work from home a lot, so I basically live in shawls, sweater jackets, sweat pants and scarves (all hobo fashionable of course).  I'm sure all of you reading this right now have one article of clothing that your friends hate.  Yes, my sweater coat is old and raggedy, but it was cheap - $5 from a stoop sale - a super comfortable steal!  You will see more of my sweater "rugs' in posts to come.

Sweater Shawl- H&M (old) clearly lol
Leather Jacket: Wilson Leather
Pants: RyVampd
Boots: Steve Madden
Bracelet: Not sure (got it at a yard sale)
Rings: Aldo
Scarve: RyVampd
Tote Bag: RyVampd

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